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Down to 229#!
32 sit ups
28 pushups
Fran in 6:40!
36 hand release push ups
35 sit ups
Fran 10’21”
Both my quads and buttocks are not very happy with you this morning. Fran!!! Aaahhhh!!! Nothing better to fight delayed onset muscle soreness than some thrusters. Seeya later today gentlemen
Fran is tough with 65#!
My last thurster workout I had to use the 33# bar, so this is a dramatic improvement. Can’t wait to see my time after 30 days.
34 sit-ups
31-push-ups (knees)
14:08 ? (blue/white)
Let the PALEO Games begin!
and may the odds be ever in your favor!
(i had to)
37 situps
26 pushups (from the toes, oh my!)
Fran: 65# blue/white: 11:30 ish?
So far, so paleo.
52 situps
31 pushups
fran in 6:53 (with the stupid blue band)
can’t wait to kill these scores in a month!
Push ups: 35
Sit ups: 40
Fran: 7:26
All as Rx’d
I think we should ride the coat tails of the current #1 movie and refer to the Paleo Challenge as…….
Naptown Hunger Games 2012
43 sit ups
40 hr push ups
team wod:
sled push 10 yds down and back #210
10 burpees
4 rounds
5:51 I believe…
Sit Ups – 30
Push Ups – 19
Fran – 10:28 (45# bar and green/blue bands on pull ups)
27 pushups
39 situps
Fran 9:07
Red Band
27 HR pushups (scaled from knees)
31 crunches
Fran: 9:45 @ 33# and the green band
42 situps
26 pushups
Fran 5:?? W 75lbs
For those interested in Previous Fran Times:
Click on the link below to see our last Fran workout and compare your scores.
Major Progess!!!
22 push-ups from knees, 48 sit-ups
(both with an ab mat)
Fran – 11:53
43# thrusters; green band for the 1st set up pull-ups, green + white for the remaining sets.
Damn, those pull-ups were a lot harder than I expected. Thank you, Peter, for throwing a white band up for me.
team wod:
slam ball 50#
Russian KBS 72#/2 pood
did this on Thursday at noon.
max sit-ups in 1 min: 45
max push-ups in 1 min: 38
Fran (65#s, no band): 5:43
Sit-ups – 33
Push-ups – 18
First introduction to Fran. 10:05 (65#, green band).