We still have not officially opened the CFNT Team Bracket Buster to any other affiliates yet. We will be giving CrossFit NapTown members one more day to organize teams and get registered. We hope to have a few teams represent our gym during this competition. We will be posting a sign up sheet for both Males and Females who are interested in competing. Then you can contact each other to form a team. (We will have to cap the number of teams coming from CFNT so be aware… first come, first serve so get on it.)
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We’ve had a few questions regarding skill level for this competition. And this is the answer.
“The first WOD will be manageable for any skill level. Should you continue to win, each WOD will get progressively harder. Each WOD will be judged by a judge holding each person accountable to all movement standards across CrossFit. Each team will be guaranteed 3 workouts and each workout will be completely different. Some WODs will include all 4 team members and others will include just 1 Male and 1 Female.”]]>
Fill out the form below to get started
Take the first step towards getting the results that you want by booking a free consultation to discuss a plan that works for you!
CrossFit Naptown, I miss you guys! Still trying to find my Denver CrossFit “home.” Did this workout at CrossFit Denver tonight:
Strict press 5X3 (45, 55, 65)
Ring rows, box jumps (20), wall balls (14#)
Also, I think you guys should be happy to know that I’ve mentioned Naptown at both boxes I’ve visited here, and at both places they knew about you! One of them was because of Jeanne’s daughter and the other was just because you are kind of a big deal. Hope everyone is doing well!
We should start a support group for ExPat-Naptowners!
You all are missed. We hope to see you in town in October for the tremendous 1 year party. exact date to be released soon. Also, who’s coming to our competition in Sept? Bring a team or a volunteer hat!
Worked up to 125 on power snatches
8:52 as RX’ed
Handstand Holds we’re a nice way to finish off the WOD. Great job 6am.
WOD – 9:00 as RX’ed
Still working on my handstand holds, definitely a weakness
WOD – Rx-ed but DNF in allotted time, finished at 10:25, too much rest on power snatch.
Hand stands I was able to hold 2 and then had to modify. But just a few weeks ago I couldn’t even do a hand stand.
Great job Kevin! You’re doing amazing work.
6:19 rx’ed
those handstand holds were like fresh hell after that WOD…
My snatch got taken through the ringer today…still pretty ugly. Worked up to 95#.
WOD – Completed but took overtime to do so — 12:31 (started at 95# dropped to 75
# after first set of 21).
Felt good to get back at it after several days off.
i think it was 8 mins and something.
i only scaled to 85 lbs. should have gone for the 95 lbs.
The HS holds at the end were good fun.
Oh Snatch! Thank you (Coaches) for making this technique part of the fundamentals class last Thursday – it really helped!
WOD: DNF 1 snatch and 9 Box left. Should have scaled better. Looking forward to hearing Jared’s thoughts on Rx-ing and Scaling in the near future.
CrossFit NapTown’ers: Just FYI
We have 3 CFNT Teams officially signed up for the CFNT Bracket Buster.
We will be opening the registration to affiliates across Indiana starting tomorrow.
WOD: 8:16? 55#
Tabata handstand holds were the icing on the cake tonight!!
WOD: 9:02
Handstand holds were touch and go (5 good ones, 3 not so good ones/fails)
WOD: 8:15 with 65#, had to do some step ups on the box rather than jumps
75# 8:50
Oucho!! WOD’d at 9:30 w 75# thanks to Jason V pushing me to go… My mind says no b4 my body does 🙁
Thanks for letting me share in the Paleo mtg about Artie’s Paleo OnTheGo!
WOD_9:16 @ 75
24″ box completely cleared, “bunny rabbit” skills. 😉 First time I recycled reps too!
Great energy in 7pm!
WOD- 8:41
Modified with box jump
Handstands not too shabby