This is a post from earlier in our days of CrossFit NapTown that I wanted to revisit now that we have a solid following of members and other individuals in the community. This conversation and post took place in late August of this year. I was recently asked a very important question by CFNT newcomer Martin C. “Have you changed your diet since you’ve been CrossFitting?” I could only laugh with a huge grin. Not to make Martin feel stupid but to emphasize that within the last year my diet and the foods I put in my body have taken a complete 180. I constantly tell people that I wish I knew what I know now when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Long gone are the college days of eating Big Macs and Double Cheeseburgers from McDonalds after practice so we could get our protein. Long gone are the days of french fries as my side! Ask for the substitute (steamed veggies, salad, etc.) and fork up the extra .99 it costs to make the substitute. I guarantee you won’t regret it. Just like everything else in life, the transition is not easy and should not be done cold turkey. Slowly cut out the sugars and the fast food. Make a conscious effort to cut back on the processed foods you eat. If you need something fast, on the fly, find a Subway and load that puppy up with every vegetable possible (my favorite is the Oven Roasted Chicken Breast with everything colorful on it). Not only will it be healthier, but you will be getting your monies worth as the Subway Food Specialist (lady making your sub) will have a tough time folding it over and cutting it in half. I always love when they give me the dirty, “really, you are going to eat all these vegetables!” Oh! and no sauce on that sub. Cut out the fattening ranch, honey mustard, and all the other goodness they nearly force you to eat. Instead, pay the extra $1.00 and get avocado on that bad boy to add flavor. Its simple life style changes like these that will slowly allow you to see gains, that is of course if you continue to work hard physically in the gym. Another quick tip I’ve learned through the past year is the technique of grocery shopping. The next time you go to the grocery store, I challenge you to stay out of the aisles (I’ll allow you to go in the aisle to pick up a case of water, but that’s it!) Instead, stay only along the perimeter of the grocery store where you will find your freshest fruits, vegetables, and meats. Skip the milk/dairy section as well. Start substituting regular milk (1%, 2%, skim) with Almond Milk. I honestly think it tastes better plus you will reap the benefits. If its processed, chances are its no good… so no aisles!!! Try to do a weeks worth of grocery shopping with just the food you buy on the perimeter and plan what you are going to eat on what days. Many of the excuses of eating poorly come directly from poor time management. So take an extra few minutes at night to prepare your meals for the next day, or at least to have a game plan of what you are going to eat. It will reduce the stress of what to make and how to make it the day of, especially after a hard workout when you are ready and willing to eat anything. I will leave you with this from the CrossFit community… “Eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar.” Follow this as closely as possible and you will feel better and see serious gains. More on nutrition next week… Reply with comments and questions.]]>
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I agree with your post completely. Also, many of the dedicated Crossfitters are familiar with Paleo packs. I make my own (or my wife makes it for me I should say). I take a ziplock to work that contains beef jerky (the kind without a bunch of sugar; grass-fed is best but most expensive), dried fruit, and all types of nuts and seeds. I know vegetables are better than fruit, but I’m just not a huge fan of dried veggies. I often eat a salad at lunch to hit the veggies hard. My personal paleo pack costs about $2.50 to make for a complete meal so that’s more than economical.
Very well said…you sound like a true health coach!It pays long term to spend a tad bit more NOW and put healthy nutrients into your body, rather than eating crappy, cheap food that will block your arteries and rack up endless hospital bills from heart attacks and such. Colorful is the key 🙂
as the main cook for the family, i find it challenging to cook and prepare paleo meals because they are generally more expensive. however, i do agree that with a little more planning and research on my part that they could be more affordable. like i could go to aldi to get dried fruit; make my own lara bars (which i am going to do); cook with a pressure cooker (to cook cheaper cuts of meat quickly), etc. i will have to do some research about where to get the cheapest jerky and dried fruits….bc it tends to be expensive. but, like jared said it comes out to be a little over 2.00 a meal, which is cheaper than buying complete packs online. any tips would be appreciated!
Eileen – Love the idea of making your own larabars and if you do so I’d love to try one. I enjoy larabars but like most things they can get expensive to buy in bulk.
Moises (Jared) – I’ve been making similar paleo packs on my own and couldn’t agree more that its much more economical. I haven’t added beef jerky yet but will have to do so. Most importantly you have to pay attention to what dried fruit, nuts, and jerky you are buying like you said or else you may get hit with tons of unwanted sugars and awfulness.
Jen- Great tips and continue adding links. In all seriousness, the more information, the better, as it can get frustrating and expensive to eat healthy without a set game plan. I’m currently in that rut now eating unhealthy foods due mostly to convenience and lack of time.
I have SOO many ideas i could probably rattle them off in my sleep! 🙂 One thing i’ll be starting soon because it’s getting cold is more crock pot meals and soups…making things that you can stretch for a couple meals is always helpful so you don’t have to think about cooking every night. Easy to throw some chicken and veggies in the pot in the morning and have it ready when you get home! Here are a couple other links that might help…from yours truly, WebMD:
Have fun!!!
wow….is it really that easy to make!!!! i am gonna try this soon!!
Eileen…here’s a fun website i really enjoy and refer to for a lot of my clients:
There are budget tips on there as well!
For those of you interested we are going to have a mini Paleo Challenge starting November 1st through Thanksgiving, contact Coach Jared or myself if you want more info.
I’m interested.
I would be interested…I’ll try to drag Kelli in too:)
fine rode convinced me. I’m in.
How come everyone else gets a choice where as I am told that I am doing these things…