Bootcamp Weekly Preview : 8/23-8/28

kicking off our week with a nice bit of interval work with an ascending ladder of cardio paired with a descending ladder of some DB and bodyweight work. You will have a bit of rest between each set to help you push the pace on the cardio work each round.

working into some accessory work today – you will get into unilateral pulling, pushing, and posterior chain work to get your day going. Our workout will be a nice little chipper with double unders strewn throughout and DB work in between each set.

getting into interval work for our mid-week fitness. We will be pairing the bike with a weighted burpee variation in this interval piece that will be full of intensity!

working through 1:00 max effort rounds of a few KB and slam ball weighted movements for today to keep you moving and keep things mixed up.

closing out the work week with a long AMRAP full of cardio, fast moving bodyweight movements, and a little time outside with a weighted carry.

closing the week out with a nice pyramid of gymnastics movement and cardio to end the week with a bang!