Bootcamp Weekly Preview : BENCHMARK EDITION : 9/20-9/25

we will be sharing the entire week of programming with you so you can best plan your week of fitness and be ready for each of these benchmark tests! We will revisit these same workouts in the spring around March/April to see how you have improved over time!

15:00 AMRAP
2 Wall Walks
2 Push Ups
2 Lunges
**push ups and lunges ascend by 2 reps each round

3 Rounds
1:00 Double Unders
1:00 Row/Bike
1:00 Sit Ups
1:00 Bike/Row
1:00 Squats
1:00 Rest

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs
80 Hand to Hand Swings
60 KB Push Press
40 KB Ceans
20 Toes to DB

1 Mile
2:00 Rest
400 M Run

DB/KB Thrusters
Ring Rows
3:00 Rest
10:00 EMOM
:15 Hollow/:15 Arch
:30 Handstand Hold

Saturday (not a benchmark workout):
200m Double Farmers Carry 2 Rounds
80 Mountain Climbers
80 Flutter Kicks
80 Sit Ups
80 Jumping Jacks
200m Double Farmers Carry