Burpee FUN!!!

TODAY’S WORKOUTS Deadlifts 2×10 Warmup 1×15@ 50% 1×15 @ 60%

“Burpee FUN” 2 Rounds 10 Burpee Box Jumps 10 Inverted Burpees 10 Burpee Deadlifts (225/135) 10 Burpee Muscle Ups (Sub- 2 Burpee Pullups = 1 MU)


Thursday Fundamentals – ATLAS STONES

Coach Moises will be running Fundamentals this Thursday at 6pm. If you are coming from the 5pm class you will be plenty warmed up. If you are cold and coming only to the 6pm Fundamentals, be there early to get warmed up. Please warm yourself up properly and be ready to go promptly at 6pm. He will go over proper technique to keep you safe with the Atlas Stones including the setup, lift, and hip extension.



[caption id="attachment_3828" align="aligncenter" width="583" caption="Is that Artie at the Caveman Truck??? Don't forget members... Artie's Paleo OnTheGo arrives at CrossFit NapTown every Monday morning at 9am. Paleo food for you on the go. Check the kitchen and refridgerator or ask one of the coaches if you have questions. (or email Artie: artstevens23@gmail.com ))"][/caption]]]>

7 thoughts on “Burpee FUN!!!”

  1. 14:09(ish) with everything rx’d except for the muscle ups… But… B4 the WOD started I was extremely close to gettin one… I think I’m on the brink!!!