Post Paleo weigh ins and measurements. Please talk to Jared if you want to get this done. Great work to everyone who made it all three weeks.
Pre order for sweat shirts is now available there is a sign up sheet at the box, please email christy@crossfitnaptown for all details.
ALL Order’s MUST be complete by Tuesday November 29th. We have samples at the gym. All sweatshirts will have our logo on the front and will have the saying “CrossFit NapTown…Wake your inner athlete” on the back. We will be ordering regular t-shirts as well that do no require pre order
Pennant Sport material sweatshirt will be $45 pre order.
Russel (normal style) grey hoodie will be $35 pre order
We also have Pennant dri fit material t-shirts available that will be a competitive shirt and will be $20 pre order also required.
3:38 Baseline
40″ Boxjump
1000# Total
Baseline 4:45
but a few pull-ups (no band) were questionable. Next time, I’ll need to call in the “No Rep” judge
Max box jump 42”
Max situps in a minute, 40
Max consecutive double unders in 5 mins: 3 (still need to work on those)
“NO REP” Judge at your Service!!! Great work the past two days Eric. Huge improvements!
Did the CF Total Today
300*/165*/365* = 830*
All PRs and a good place to start lifting some heavier weight. Time to get strong!
My order:
1 Pennant Sport material sweatshirt
1 Pennant dri fit material t-shirts
Congrats to everyone on the your diets and max totals
Iman, since there is no size I’m guessing small?
Baseline 5:18 ( down from 7:03 on day 1 )
37″ Box Jump
28 Sit Ups
2 DU’s ( PR baby! )
Made up the CFT today:
315*/135/405* = 855
Tweaked my shoulder a little last week, so the Shoulder Press just wasn’t there this time.
3:38 Baseline (11 second PR)
2:25 FRAN (20 second PR)
40″ Box Jump
5:52 baseline (i think that was my time)
squat 155 and press 70 or 75 (i cant remember) but both were PRs
back was bothering me too bad to do dead lifts…
Baseline – 6:43 Rx’d
Baseline was 5:04 (7:14 previous) Rx’d
Felt good. Could have gone faster on my row, and I need to string more pull ups together.
Box Jump 33.5
Situps 32
Double Unders 35
CrossFit Total:
Squat – 185#
Press – 75#
Deadlift – 235#