Please join us today in cheering on 11 of our fellow Female CFNT members who will be competing at CrossFit Carmel in the Project Gloc Competition (Ladies Only Competition)! The more support the better to show the Indianapolis CrossFit community what CrossFit NapTown is all about. **NEW SHIRTS ARRIVED YESTERDAY and AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE** **WE ALSO HAVE “CFNT INSPIRED PROJECT GLOC T-SHIRTS” for SALE for all LADIES OF CFNT**
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Loved how you forgot to mention it was a 400/200m run WITH the wall ball! Love you guys though!
With the 20# ball
1. 11
2. 27
3. 6
4. 26
5. 8
Total 78
With the 20# ball
1. 11
2. 27
3. 6
4. 26
5. 8
Total 78
20# ball (first time at RX for any WOD!)
1st WB = 5 (3 more NR)
1st WBSU = 21
2nd WB = 3 (2 NR)
2nd WBSU = 23
3rd WB = 2 (1 NR)
(Gotta work on getting the ball higher.)