4 thoughts on “Decisions… decisions.”

  1. Did yesterday’s WOD;
    5 rounds
    – 5 wall climbs
    – 20 box jumps at 24″
    – 400 m run
    finished in 20 and some change. Fitness is definitely coming around, mental toughness needs some work. Gotta lean to keep going when my mind tells me to stop.

  2. Awesome work today Louie. I’m glad you stayed RX’ed and didn’t let the mental aspect tell you otherwise.
    Went out to the IUPUI track to attempt a timed mile. First timed mile in two months so was anxious to throw down a time.
    TIME: 5:38.85
    Happy, as my last timed mile was 5:43.
    More so happy because I haven’t ran in 2 months except for 3 times.
    Then ran a timed 400 for good measure.
    TIME: 1:04.2
    Not happy as I use to run under 60 with no problem. Need to work on speed…alot!!!
    Follow my workouts and times at http://cfnaptowncoach.wordpress.com/ or just click on Coach Jared for the link.