Holiday WOD Rxd PART 1 (for time – 30 min time cap): “12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS” 1 Christmas Power Snatch (95# / 65#) 2 Ring dips 3 Burpees 4 Pull-ups 5 Toes-2-Bar 6 Push-ups 7 Air-Squats 8 Jumping Lunges (each jump = 1) 9 Box Jumps (20″ for Men & Women) 10 10′ Wall-Balls (20# / 14#) 11 KBS (53# / 36#) 12 Thrusters (95# / 65#) This workout is done just like the song….Round 1 = 1 Christmas Power Snatch, Round 2 = 2 Ring Dips and 1 Power Snatch ….etc. Until all 12 rounds are complete. See “RULES” below for movement standards. REST EXACTLY 6 MINUTES PART 2 (max weight): “8 DAYS OF HANUKKAH” 8 Rep Max OHS (8 MINUTE TIME LIMIT) REST EXACTLY 6 MINUTES PART 3 (for time): “2012” 5 ROUNDS 20 Double-Unders (UNBROKEN Breaks start over) 12 Dead-Lifts (205# / 145#) RULES: 1. The movement standards are CrossFit standards. 2. Video submission ONLY required upon request (ie you are in the top 5). Video may be broken into three parts. You don’t need to keep video running during the rest (we trust you) 3. Standards for “12 Days of Christmas”
- Power Snatch: must stand up with bar overhead inline with shoulders, hips,and heels
- Ring Dips: shoulder below elbow at bottom; full lock out at top
- Burpees: chest to deck and a jump at top with an overhead clap inline with shoulders, hips, and heels
- Pull ups: chin CLEARLY over the horizontal plane of the bar; kipping or butterflies are acceptable; staying on bar after T2B is OK
- T2B: means BOTH feet TOUCH the bar
- Push ups: chest to deck and full extension at the top
- Air Squats: hips CLEARLY below parallel and 100% OPEN at the top. No muted hips (It’s only 7)
- Jumping Lunges: back knee needs to touch the ground and hips 100% OPEN at the top of jump
- Box Jumps: cycling is acceptable; make sure hips are 100% OPEN at the top. Entire foot on top of the box is NOT required.
- Wall Balls: full depth on the squat and hit the target at required height
- KBS: top of KB overhead inline with shoulders, hips, and heals
- Thrusters: shoulders, hips, and heals should be inline at the top
34:59 on Part 1.
Can’t get much closer to the buzzer than that! Incredibly difficult workout, but now I can push myself know that it’s possible. Thanks to everyone at the 9:30 class for pushing me along on those last few movements!
That’s what we are here for, Josh!:)
Thanks, Leslie!
Part 1–32:30. This was a killer, but really fun WOD. The 12 days theme and the music really put me in the Christmas spirit. Thanks for delivering as usual:)
Thoroughly enjoyed this holiday themed workout. Had a great group for the 9:30 class to get in the Crossfit spirit and push through those 12 days/exercises. Next time I do this I want to do this I will push myself with higher weight.
WOD- 26:56
scaled to: 43# for snatch and thrusters; blue band assistance on pullups; 20″ box; yellow kbs; 12# wb
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
I apologize for the terrible sentence structure above. Clearly no proofreading was done before submitting.
We’ll forgive you! Thanks for the support today!
Part 1 – 28:02
Struggled to get through this one but made it! Peter, keep yelling at me, I promise it helps 🙂
Great job everyone! It was amazing to see everyone helping each other. You are all building an amazing community! Do not forget we will be closed on Sunday…
Also, what should our hours be on December 26th is 10am early enough? Do we need anything before then?
Does anyone plan on bringing any family members or friends on Christmas eve? Please try to let us know so we can create and appropriate WOD! Have a great weekend!
Part 1 – 21:37 Rx
Fun WOD. Next time I’ll shoot for 20.
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