If you want a HOODIE or a Dri-Fit top today is the last day to order these items. There has been plenty of notice and if you miss out you only have one person to blame… Peter (just because). If you have questions let us know, otherwise the order sheet will be on the table all day!
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I’m participating in Homeward Bound this year……and you can help!
The Homeward Bound walks support local agencies that provide affordable housing, shelter and supportive services that end the cycle of poverty and help families and individuals get back on their feet. The one-mile walk through downtown Indianapolis raises money for Central Indiana affordable housing and homeless service providers and brings community members together for a common cause: ending homelessness in Central Indiana.
I’ve decided to participate this year and you can help out by making a donation, joining my team, or signing up to participate!
Visit my personal donation page to learn more about Homeward Bound and how you can help:
Peter Brasovan
12 Pistols
5 sec and 7 sec L sits
WOD: 45-90, couldn’t get the squat down on 95lbs to complete my thruster
Worked to 200 in the wod and got 205 after time expired. Tried and missed 210. Will do pistols and L.sit later.
~18 pistols (lost count) with 16″ box
12 sec max L-sit
WOD – started at 85#, finished at 145#. my power clean is weak, and i need a lot of work on that move.
BUT,! you PR’d and your technique is getting better each day! Great work Mr. Mosse.
Made it to 180#. Need to focus more during a workout like this as my weights were messed up around the 170# mark. Grabbed the wrong weights and was mentally out of it from that point on.
I think I could’ve gone heavier but time slowly ran out on me.
Worked up to 180 before time expired. Had one no rep around 155 for a step at the end of the thruster.
This was a lot of fun and I think I could’ve gotten around 200 if I didn’t have to duck out right after class.
L sits : 0 ( I’m a fattie )
Pistols : 15 with a 16″ box.
worked to 130 on the BB complex…no re-dip this time:)
26 seconds on the L-sit
17 pistols
I worked up to 175lbs. I did 180lbs after the class. I probably could have done more but I didn’t trust my form so I stopped at 180lbs.
Worked up to 105#.