Today’s Workout: 25 minutes to establish 20 rep max back squat 3 rounds 30 sit ups 30 KB Swings (1.5/1)]]>
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205# Back squats 20 reps
7:30 as RX’ed
Damn. That’s impressive.
185 max for squat
WOD: 7:46
95# back squat 20 rep max
WOD: 8:55
20 rep max back squat – 95#
WOD – 11:54
85# 20 rep back squat
10:11 WOD
Monday morning = fresh batch of Artie’s Paleo OnTheGo and you know what that means… “Fuel your temple”
Please feel free to grab a meal and pay when you can my friends. Thank you for spreading the love last week and helping me sell all of the meals… If you are on FB please like the Artie’s Paleo OnTheGo page for updates, pictures and menus… Thanks!!
#95 for 20 rep max
went for #135 and failed at 17 reps…i almost cried.
WOD 8:40/50 something with that big fat blue bell. thanks for making me do the heavier weight, elyse!
BS 250
WOD 9:02
9:11 with blue 20kg kettle bell.
100 Lbs back squat x 20
125# on back squat
WOD: 8:30 rx’d
Back Squat: 125
WOD: 6:39
It was awesome to see so many people @ 6:00, I think thre were 30 people
100# back squat 20 rep max. It wore me out for the WOD, which I think was 9:43. Thank you to Leslie and Moises for working with me on the back squats!!
125# 20 rep max on back squat
8:33 on WOD using blue 20 kg kettle bell.
DNF the WOD in competition class, but I got my first Muscle Up!
135# 20 RM
WOD 6:09 as RX
WOD 7:55 w/ 8kg kettle ball
– definitely could have used more weight
85# 20x back squat
165# for 20 rep back squate (Thanks for pushing me to do the heavier weight Eileen!)
Then 10:16 Rx’d for the WOD.