Learn How to SNATCH!!

we will be CLOSED May 11, 12, and 13th for regionals. All are encouraged to come cheer us on in Columbus. We will post at home WODs to do those day.The Regional is going to be aired on the CrossFit Games website as well as ESPN 3! We will also, program a workout for Thursday the 10th. Shannon D and Martin C will be coaching that night at 4pm, 5pm, and 6pm.

No FUNDAMENTALS on Thursday the 10th.

Today’s Workout

Squat Snatch Technique 1 squat snatch 2 Over Head Squats (EMOTM 20) Every Minute On The minute every minute for 20min stay at same weight (if technique is PERFECT for two consecutive minutes, you may increase by at MOST 10lbs total in a round) Post- Row 600m then immediately Run 400m for time.]]>

10 thoughts on “Learn How to SNATCH!!”

  1. I LOVE the new space. Great job, owners!
    Worked up to 135# on the snatches to concentrate on form. This is DEFINITELY a day to not miss if you’re worried about your snatch form. Great skill/confidence booster if you’re unsure of yourself.
    Post: 4:17 Those first few strides off the rower are fun!

  2. Kept it light today, but feel much better about my form.
    -75# snatch is coming, I can feel it. Kim we are going to get this before you leave us!
    5:01 on row/run. I seriously almost lost my lunch!

  3. Very sore today after an AWESOME 2 person Fundamentals class with Peter yesterday. We basically did snatches for an hour! Great one-on-one technique practice. I can’t rave enough about Fundamentals.
    First time with the 6am class. Thanks for being so welcoming!
    65#(failed) – 45# for a few rounds – 50# final.
    4:27 on the post workout (600m Row/400m Run)
    (12 hrs wasn’t enough rest between snatch workouts though… oooomph. Feeling it right now.)

  4. worked up to #95, but missed the last OHS on my very last set & was too gassed to try again.
    LOVED having anna there coaching my favorite lift, HATED the post workout that took me 5:00 & ended with a remarkably ungraceful fall through the doorway.

  5. worked up to 105, should have gone heavier, but had fun working on technique.
    3:43 on the post wod.
    i definitely had the jelly legs coming off that rower and trying to run.

  6. Only made it to 75 on the snizatch because I’m terrible at it… I was able to drop my pride and lower down to 55 so Jared could help me w my crazy knees! I do not dread ANY movement except OHS!!!! It’s good to be pushed…!
    4:31 in the post WOD- watch out for the first step… It’ll getcha!

  7. Stayed super light at 25# but am finally starting to gain a little confidence with squat cleans and OHS.
    Post: 5:51 and I wouldn’t call it a 400 m run so much as a 400 m stagger.