13 thoughts on “Lifting platform is in!”

  1. I almost tossed a KB to the moon in today’s WOD. It was a blast! Lovin the new lifting platfroms well done Coach J and Coach P. See ya for some more tomorrow.

  2. solid day today! just missed 4 rds. 3+18 KB swings. It was a mental up and down WOD, but FUN. worked on squat snact 6×2 at 135lbs and 145lbs.

  3. My snatch squats are getting better. Victory there! I had 3 rounds and 10 pullups for the WOD, but had to use the green band. Getting stronger with each week, though. Thanks, CFNT! PS–Love the new lifting platforms. Great job!

  4. 3 rounds plus 20 PP
    that was really hard on the forearms
    got a snatch pr at #130 and caught it on tape!!!

  5. 3 rounds plus 20 pp as prescribed
    hard on the forearms for sure
    set a snatch pr at #130 and even caught it on tape!!

  6. i don’t remember what weight i did for the squat snatch, but my form needs much work so it was pretty light.
    WOD: pull-ups unassisted, push press @ 75#s (should have gone heavier ?)
    – 3 rds + 7 pull-ups

  7. 6×2 squat snatch at 155
    WOD: 4 rounds plus 10 pull ups as rx’d
    the barbell gave me a great shot in the nose and took the first round, but I bounced back and won rounds 2, 3, and 4.

  8. Really excited about learning how to squat snatch! Worked up from 53 to 63lbs.
    WOD – 2 Rds + 6PP with 65lb PP