WOD 4 Rounds for Time: 12 Ring Dips 800 Meter Run 20 Wall Balls (20/16) POST: Overhead Wall Ball Tosses for Distance (Soccer Throw-in Technique) 10 Tosses and Record your furthest throw and weight .]]>
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Time – 26:50
I used assistance from the blue band on the ring dips and used a 12lb wall ball. My shoulders and upper arms definitely felt tired after the first round of ring dips and my legs caught up with me on the last 800m run. As usual, the wall balls were the hardest part for me.
30 min even
I scaled the dips. I still used the rings but used the box to make it through the whole work out. I know I struggle with running, but the rings were definitely new to me. They the third round I really felt my chest start to give.
Time: 21:12