Run for the Weekend:
10:00 EMOM:
- 100-150m Run
- Wall Sit Remainder of Minute
15:00 AMRAP
- 800m Run Buy In
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 10 Cossack Squats
- 20 Shoulder Taps/5 Wall Walks
Today’s workout will begin with a tough EMOM that begins with a quick run followed y a wall sit until the minute is up before you head out on another run. If the run takes you :20, then you have :40 to wall sit until running again.
The second portion of the day begins with a longer run (or another cardio movement of your choice) before moving into as many rounds as possible of three movements for the remainder of the 15:00.
Mountain climbers ca be scaled back by elevating your hands or by stepping the feet in and out rather than jumping.
The cossacks squats can be made easier by limiting your range of motion to a safe range for you.
The wall walks can be scaled back by not climbing as high or by performing shoulder taps instead. The shoulder taps can be performed in a plank from the toes or from the knees.
Fitness Schedule
Yoga Schedule
Helpful links:
You can view the most up to date schedule and sign into class through Pike13! Pike13 will send you a link to the class once you pre-register!
All 4PM Public Fitness classes can be accessed here!
All 2:30PM Public Kids classes can be accessed here!