NO 9am or NOON Class Today: Construction in Progress

Make Up / Mobility / Skills / Sucklist Day

9am and Noon Classes are cancelled Today due to construction.  Please excuse the mess!


*Fundamentals tonight will be ROWING!!! Many people need help with their rowing Technique. We’ve added 2 new rowers to the gym. We will have 14 spots available but will allow more to sit in and refine their technique.


Monday, April 30th- 9am and Noon Classes are cancelled!!!

Something to Sleep on…


1 thought on “NO 9am or NOON Class Today: Construction in Progress”

  1. Stopped in for a little extra butt-kicking today. Made up the Medicine Ball craziness that I missed on Saturday.
    80 total reps with a 20# ball.
    Thanks to Peter for reminding me it was 5 rounds and not 4!