Paleo Challenge Begins Today

For those who missed the CrossFit NapTown Paleo Challenge Kickoff Meeting, we will be testing and measuring during class today. All measurements and weight will be taken before the workout so please be patient as the structure of classes may vary.

All members are welcome to join in on the challenge as it is free to participate. You have until 7:30pm Monday evening to confirm with a coach via verbal acknowledgment or email to join. (

Invite friends and family to join as well to help encourage your progress and support you through the ups and downs. For rules and regulations please click here…

CFNT Paleo Handbook

You can find the Paleo Blog under the “Blog” tab on the front page of  Post comments and blog at minimum 4 times per week to be eligible for prizes.

CFNT Paleo Blog Link

  WOD 1 Max Pull-Ups (in one set) Rules: You have two chances to get as many pullups in one unbroken set as possible. If you use a band or assistance of any sorts, be sure to record this as we will be re-testing this movement at the end of the Paleo Challenge come Thursday, February 2nd. WOD 2 10 Min Amrap 5 Burpees 10 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1) 15 Box Jumps (24/20) Rules: DO NOT SANDBAG!!! The Paleo Challenge is for your benefit. Push yourself as hard as you can during this WOD as we will again be re-testing on Thursday, February 2nd to track members progress. Learn More about the Paleolithic Diet Paleolithic Diet Explained Learn more about the Paleo Diet.]]>

25 thoughts on “Paleo Challenge Begins Today”

  1. Max pull-ups: 15
    Wod: 4 complete rounds plus 5 burpees RX’ed. Did the burpees standing between the 24″ box and kettle-bell.
    Great Pre-Paleo workout. Looking for some improvement when a month comes around!

  2. Awesome 6am class this morning!
    Don’t forget to join the Paleo Challenge… all measurements and testing will be one in class today so be sure to make it. If you can’t make it today, email me…… and we will figured something out.
    Don’t forget to post on the Paleo Blog under the “Blog” tab on the home page.
    10K Row – 42:56
    Max Pullups – 30
    (Been working with an elbow issue for about 5 days now and still feeling some pain so I didn’t go super hard on this one- Dropped much earlier than I needed to but playing it safe)
    WOD – 6 Rounds + 4 BJs
    (Box jumps were the limiting factor here- Should’ve been able to cycle the jumps faster but just couldn’t figure out a rhythm)
    POST- Just the bar for good mornings.

    1. Kipping pullups if you have it. If you don’t then strict.
      The idea is to keep the standards the same so whatever style Pull-up you do today, we will have you do on February 2nd for the Post-Challenge Wod.
      We will take your measurements first thing in the morning so you can take part in the challenge.

  3. ummm yea, that hurt. But really that was a fun WOD. 35 pull ups, grip went first.
    WOD 6rds+7 box jumps

  4. For everyone posting on the Paleo Blog. The first post will not post right away as I have to “moderate” each of them.
    After I approve the first post you have free reign and blowing up the blog without my consent.
    I’ve had quite a few emails regarding this issue and just wanted to make an announcement to all.

  5. max pull-ups: 30
    WOD: 6 rds + 1 BJ
    This was a fun WOD, the box jumps slowed me down a bit but I was EXAUSTED afterwards. Can’t wait to do this again in a month! 😉

  6. pull ups: 15 with green band
    WOD: 3 rounds and 12 box jumps rx
    Post workout-good morning 30
    Thanks to my awesome partner Leslie for cheering me on 😀

  7. 19 pull ups
    WOD: 4 rounds with 12 box jumps and a nice shin bump/ scrape to go along with it 🙂

    1. Yeah, Eileen! You were so tough… got right up after that nasty scrape and just kept right on working. Good job tonight! And thanks for cheering me on! I was happy to finish one of my first CrossFit workouts as Rx’d (4 rounds + 6 KB), even if my box jumps quickly became step-ups.

  8. 11 pull-ups
    WOD : 4 rounds + 1 burpee. Not my finest work but looking forward to hitting it again in a month.

  9. Pull ups…. 13 with no bands… Woooooot
    WOD- 4 rounds even as rx’d- big thanks to Nick and Moises for encouraging to keep pushing!
    Post- 10 GM’s w the bar- 10 GM’s w 75- 10 GM’s w 95

  10. Pull-ups: 34
    Wod: 7 rounds + 10 kettlebell swings
    Started paleo tonight…this will get interesting

  11. Max Pull ups_ 21 with red band
    WOD_ 5 rounds + 7 box jumps (rx’d)
    Moises- Thanks for all the “MOVE!” comments. It definitely helped me keep going.
    Congrats to everyone on their great performance assessment WOD tonight. I can’t wait to see this one again in 25 days!

  12. This Diet Sucks… Why??? Because it is so difficult to stick to! Which is why I am going to grind it out. You can’t expect results if you aren’t willing to put in the work. I can’t wait to see the results in Feb.

  13. Paleo Diet: Day 20… Oh wait, it’s only day 4! This Diet is very tough for me because I don’t eat red meat or pork, so I am eating a lot of chicken and almonds with fruits and veggies in between. It’s crazy though because even though I complain a lot about what I can’t eat and how hungry I am, I still feel great physically. It feels like my body is riding itself of unnecessary toxins. Still planning to stick it out!

    1. Bryan Daniel – If you get a chance please post your Paleo experiences on the Paleo Blog. Just go to the top of the page and scroll over “BLOG” and then click on the “Paleo Blog.”
      Your mind will be blown with the amount of information.

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