Overhead Squats 3×5 (same weight throughout: Comfortable training weight = 60-65%)
5 Rounds 5 Front Squats (95/75) 5 Push presses 5 Overhead Squats 50 Ft. Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25)
POST: 3×10 Wind Shielders [caption id="attachment_2810" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Reigning Paleo Champions: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner... that doesn't look Paleo?!?!?!"]
Level One: “Going for Gold” We encourage everyone to take the full challenge by participating in this level. Level One participants are eligible for the prizes previously listed. Requirements: $20.00 Buy-In Fee for each participant Pre + Post Challenge Photographs* Pictures must be taken with skin showing outfit! Gentlemen - Shirt off in Shorts or Underwear Ladies - Must wear bathing suit or Sports Bra and Shorts *Male and Female Coaches will be available to take photos. *Please wear appropriate clothing on April 18th/19th and May 16th/17th for the photos. Pre + Post Challenge Measurements Measurements will include weight, waist (inches), hip (inches), and a waist/hip ratio calculation. Pre + Post Challenge Performance WOD: The WOD will take place on April 18th/19th and May 16th/17th so plan on attending a class on these days! Level Two: “Here to Learn” We are offering this level of participation to those not comfortable with the photographs/measurements required in level one. Also, this level allows you to learn more about the Paleo lifestyle without spending extra $$. Requirements: FREE to participate* *Not eligible for prizes OPTIONAL: Pre + Post Challenge Photographs* Pictures don’t require a skin showing outfit, but can be taken to track your personal progress. *Male and Female Coaches will be available to take photos. *Please wear appropriate clothing on April 18th/19th and May 16th/17th for the photos. OPTIONAL: Pre + Post Challenge Measurements Measurements will include weight, waist (inches), hip (inches), and a waist/hip ratio calculation. Pre + Post Challenge Performance WOD: The WOD will take place on April 18th/19th and May 16th/17th so plan on attending a class on these days!]]>
My favorite line so far in the CFNT Paleo Handbook:
“Realize that it is going to be tough, but it is not THAT hard.
Quitting crack cocaine is hard. Put it in that perspective and
say to yourself, “It’s is just food” whenever you feel like cheating”
Well done!
Love the pic!!!! BUSTED!
12:45 as RX’ed, but with 45# overhead lunges instead of med ball run due to rain.
Serious thanks to the Jareds for pushing me through on this one. It was tough, but I finished…slowly.
Squats/PushPresses @ 75#
OHS 45#
10:05 with 85 lbs (~60% of 1RM OHS)
OH lunges are killer.
10:38 rx’ed (!!!), but sweet mother #75 is HEAVY!
4 rounds completed with 53#. Those lunges were ROUGH.
fun WOD, Everyone should thank the rain and the 6am crew for changing the run to lunges what a game changer on that WOD.
My time was 7:45? or so.
Worked at 185#’s for the OHS.
Nice little day, but my calves are killing me from the 1000 Double Unders yesterday.
Great workout
13:55 with 33# (25# OH lunge)
I definitely feel humbled on that one. Working with just the bar, I felt like I should have been faster.
@75# FS and PP
@33# OHS
I feel so weak lately and I am unsure what it is all about. Hope the 75# feels lighter this weekend at the GLOC.
don’t fret friend, there are no OHSs on the GLOC WODs! you did FS & PP with #75…so you will be awesome!
Lunges made that much worse. Running will give your legs an opportunity to replenish the o2, lunges made them.burn more.
12:48 rx’d
Skillz: 75-75-95# OHS
14.47″ @ 75#
Great workout!
worked at #135 for the OHS
WOD: 6:47 as prescribed
the overhead lunges were a bit tricky especially coming off of overhead squats