Paleo meeting at 6pm Sunday

The Paleo meeting is at 6pm Sunday. If you cannot attend please let us know.

There are 4 spots left for the Fundamentals class on January 18th at 7:30pm. Sign the board or let Peter know via email if you want in.

FREE Yoga taught by Shannon D on January 25th at 7:30pm, please let us know if you are planning on attending, you do not NEED to RSVP, but we are looking for a head count.

NOW, Who wants to BUTCHER?


Skill learn all the movements of the WOD. WOD: 40 Cals 40 Push Press (75/55) 40 Double Unders 40 Hang Power Cleans 40 Push Ups 40 Lateral Jumps Over the Bar 40 Sit-Ups 40 Back Squats Post WOD, (if you behave) BUTCHER maybe tire flip if time allows.]]>

7 thoughts on “Paleo meeting at 6pm Sunday”

  1. 19:08
    Great class today! I love seeing some of the afternoon faces each Saturday morning.
    If I learned anything today, it’s that Double Unders are my biggest weakness!

  2. 23:19
    I didn’t do it Rxed but got close. I went 43# on the push press and 53# on the hang power cleans & the back squats. My double unders were a world apart from the max reps without breaking that we tried last week…SO much better today!
    I also flipped that tire! I got it on the 3rd try & and it was really hard, but I did it!

  3. Nice work Leslie! and all that came in today.
    Moises, myself and Anders took on a preparation WOD for next weekend.
    10 min AMRAP
    2 rope climbs
    10 body weight bench press
    15 ground to over head with 35lb dumbbells
    I got 3 rds and 7 bench press
    Then we rested 6 minutes and did a 5 min AMRAP of tire flips
    I got somewhere around 51 flips.

  4. Late Post-
    WOD_ 21:04 (rx’d)
    Post_ tire flip was awesome!! So glad I stayed around to take part in that fun.

  5. 21:08 as rx’d
    i like chippers and i think hang power cleans are my favorite movement
    those tire flips were hard. i didnt think i could flip it once, but did it twice. form matters!