“For Time” with Myriad – Episode #63
When you hear the word personal training, most people immediately think about working one-on-one with a fitness coach 2x-3x’s per week for as long as that relationship works (it feels very much “in perpetuity”). For some, this is the perfect setup to reach his/her fitness goals. We offer that at Myriad and we have many clients who do that. It is a great option.
For others, a Skill Session may be the best avenue to achieve very specific goals in a very specific time frame. For example, say you want to get more comfortable at “enter movement here that you hate the most.” You can hire a specific coach for one session to teach you the ins and outs of that movement. That session can be 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes long. If your goal to become more proficient at “enter movement you don’t like here” will take more than one session, then you can do a few more sessions with that Coach. Once you achieve the goal you set out for or you’ve become happy with your progress in that “movement you don’t like” then you can stop doing the Skill Sessions. No overcommitment, no unnecessary contract, no awkwardness 🙂
Lastly, we have lots of clients seeing massive success with our Hybrid Membership. This is when a member sees a Coach one-on-one for 1 session each week (some do bi-weekly as the the frequency can vary). At the same time, this member maintains a group membership and takes group classes.
So now they have a Coach who:
a) Holds them accountable weekly.
b) Builds a weekly program for the member based on the member’s needs.
c) Checks in on them weekly on his/her progress.
d) Recommends what classes they should take that week and what the focus should be in those classes.
e) Cares deeply about them!… not that we don’t care about everyone 🙂
Ultimately, everyone needs a coach. In a perfect world, we should have a coach in every facet of our life (if time and money were no object of course). If you are at Myriad, and you are putting in the effort, why not expedite your learning process 10x’s by working one-on-one with a Coach when the time is right for you?
Listen in to the full episode on Youtube to learn more.
Other Topics discussed in the Personal Training vs. Skill Sessions vs. Hybrid Episode:
- What is a Skill Session?
- What is Personal Training?
- What is a Hybrid Membership?
- Why does everyone need a coach?
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