PULLUPS and More PULLUPS… and Running?!

WOD 21 PullUps 400 M Run 21 K2E 18 PullUps 400 M Run 18 K2E 15 Pullups 400 M Run 15 K2E 12 Pullups 400 M Run 12 K2E POST 3X10 Pulls on rower for shortest 500M Avg. Score lowest time.]]>

9 thoughts on “PULLUPS and More PULLUPS… and Running?!”

  1. WOD 24:52
    My pull ups were horrible today. I couldn’t get a rhythm on the pull ups and it made it very difficult for me. I was having to do 2-3 pull ups at a time. This especially didn’t help when my forearms tightened up. It was hard to grip the bar. The runs felt a little better. I am right there on my knees to elbows…maybe an inch off.
    Damper on 1 = 1:23
    Damper on 5 = 1:17
    Damper on 10 = 1:13

  2. 13:54 as rx’d! That was before the air squats were changed to a run. After all those lunges yesterday the air squats were killer!

  3. 14:29, didn’t do the Rower today. I’ve got 1:20 before. Testing and keeping a close eye on my shoulder leading up to this weekend.

  4. Better late than never on the post, right?
    WOD: 17:58 with some blue band assistance on the pullups.
    Didn’t know if I could handle the running outside because I am fighting a cold, but actually enjoyed it the most.
    Post: row pulls – 1:36

  5. Time – 25:14
    Reaching the breaking point to my ongoing battle with blisters. Martin was a great WOD partner today!

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