Puppies Around the Gym

Today’s Workout: Skill: Tabata Full 8 Rounds Criss cross jump ropes Jack-a-lopes WOD: 10,9,8..3,2,1 Toes-to-bar 20,18,16,14…4,2 box jumps 24/20 game standard Post: Advanced-Skin the Cat 3×5 Intermediate-heels to ground holding pull up rig]]>

18 thoughts on “Puppies Around the Gym”

  1. Enjoyed this morning b/c it was stuff I can do!
    12: something- forgot to write it down.
    12 criss cross (yeah!)
    3 jackalopes (ugh!)

  2. You saved these dogs lives. If I can help with vaccines, neutering, training, etc please let me know! <3

  3. Fun workout today, Peter! Tough but doable. Thanks!
    15:09 for the WOD, with knees to chest instead of toes to bar. 7 was my low criss-cross and 3 was my low jackelopes. Full disclosure, they were three really ugly ones.
    Sidenote: I am thinking about gloves – anyone have suggestions?

    1. No suggestions, but if you find good ones let me know — I ripped my hands to pieces last night! 🙁

    2. Hey ladies,
      I know several guys have recommended these Nike Grips. http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/?l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-321177
      Easy to slip on and off. I’ve never tried them ( and of course they don’t make them in Womens-RUDE!) but a size small would probably be fine. I currently have a pair of Reebok lifting gloves but don’t like them because they don’t offer enough grip on the bottom and I end up feeling like my hands are slipping off the bar. Just my two cents!

  4. Criss cross: 3
    Jackalopes: 3 (ugh)
    WOD: 15:03 (subbed leg raises for T2B but REALLY need to get these on my suck list)

  5. Criss cross: 8
    Jackalopes: 4 (as if burpees weren’t bad enough!)
    WOD 12:48 (scaling consisted of flailing on the bar with almost knees to elbows, middle rounds doing a heels to the heavens varition, mix of step-ups and standard box jumps…you get the point).

  6. 1:5
    WOD today was very humbling! Thank you
    Shannon and Jared for pushing me! Found
    some new areas to work on. 15:57
    First time ripping hands open! What a day!;)

  7. 6 criss cross, 4 jackalopes
    13:21 my little toes arent to the stupid bar yet…..but slowly but surely getting closer!