REMINDER: Closed this Sunday, December 18th.

Reminder that CFNT will be closed this Sunday, December 18th as Coach Jared and Peter will be competing in the CrossFit Crown Point Firebreather Challenge.  Also, we still have a few openings for Fundamentals this Wednesday the 14th at 7:30pm.       Snatch Pull 4×4 5 Rounds for Total REPS (record lowest round and total reps ) 1 Min AMRAP Push Ups 1 Min AMRAP Lunges 1 Min AMRAP Double Unders REST 1 Min

Round Push Ups Lunges Double Unders
  POST: Weighted Wall Ball Situps. 3×10 (20/16)    ]]>

8 thoughts on “REMINDER: Closed this Sunday, December 18th.”

  1. WOD:
    Lowest round- pushups 18; lunges 30; double unders 12
    Total- 354
    Always nice to see familiar faces and meet new ones at CF! Great work to everyone that joined me at the 6:30 class! Hope to see you all soon!

  2. I also want to congratulate Martin Cole and Jared Cantrell on their new titles as Assistant Coaches at CFNT!

  3. Total was 296… Really need to nail down the DU timing!!!!
    I can really tell that Erica is getting stronger and she’s def falling in love w CFNT… Thanks to all the 6:30 ladies tonight that continue to welcome Erica… Our friend Kemi came and joined the class tonight! She gonna be hurtin mañana!

  4. Lowest: 13/30/12
    Total: 375
    Started off doing regular push-ups then changed to GSPU for rounds 2-5. Definitely made a difference for me.