We are not suggesting that Inov-8 is the one all-be all shoe in the CrossFit world, but just expressing the opportunity to try on the shoe for free and see if its something you like. Also, remember that we are inviting all CrossFit locations in the Greater Indianapolis area to join us for a free WOD at 6:30PM that same evening. We are hoping to have a high turnout for the shoe dealer but at the same time, we want to represent CrossFit NapTown. So please come support other CrossFitters and jump in the WOD to compete against those you may not know. It should be a very interesting and unique environment so come by if you can. ]]>
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25:31 (I think that was the time) with pull-up assistance. Felt good to be in the gym for my first real session today.
120 lbs for press, 5, 5, 4, 4, (bad math skills at 6 am, even WITH the calculator, i should have been at ~110 lbs)
“Angie” (I love to hate that woman…) 34:42
about 1/2-way through the pull-ups i switched from blue to green assistance band
165 press 3,3,3,3
WOD: 13:44 as rx’d
only could do the Ang today since i only did half but it was still pretty rough 19:21
TIME: 19:41 Rx’ed
Took this rather easy with my shoulder. Pull ups alone took me forever.
Need to work on push ups the most. Reached muscle failure way too often. Not happy with my time but didn’t try to kill myself on this one.
great website for local food products
75 lbs at 5 by 4 PP
19:15 on Angie rx’d
not at all happy with that time…need to work on pushups. also my body is ultra sore from doing so much crossfit the past few days 🙂
Would like to get off the assistance with pull-ups but not there yet. Felt my hands almost tear for the first time from CF. First 35 push-ups felt strong. Sit-ups, still fat and air squats overall weren’t too bad. 30:40
150lbs for 4×6 on press
39 min on Angie rx’d…first time doing it without assistance. Tore my hand on the pull up bars…ugh!! Actually dropped around 15 minutes from the first time and I also used assistance the first time. So I mean there is improvement
55 on the press 4X5 was a little too easy maybe need to try my max again
27.4(something) i cant remember the last digit
but i used a band on pullups and i could only get 35 pushups before i had to modify
Press – 4×5 at 77% = 55lbs
WOD – 35:54
Ridiculous! I need to learn how to tape my hands for sure.
WOD- makeup Angie from Wednesday
-pullups continue to hurt hands
-air squats were good, but still have a pain in my right hip flexor and the move intensified it a bit.
Merritt, what hip flexor issue? please keep us in the know about these things so we can help prevent them. It probably means you are leaning forward too much on squats using the hip flexors and quads too much. Let’s chat
19:54 did this alone too, can’t wait to do more wods with people next to me.