Rich Froning Team WOD

Rich Froning Jr. (2011 World Champion of Reebok CrossFit Games) and his cousin Darren joined CFNT for a couple days last week during the Super Bowl.  After a photo shoot and video session with Jordin Sparks and her dad (from American Idol and her dad is a former NFL Giant), Rich decided it would be a good idea to do a team WOD for “fun!”

This is what happened…

Rich Froning Jr. Team WOD

8 Min 500 M Row (1 Person Cap at 500M) Wall Balls (20/14)

REST 3 Minutes

8 Min Ground To OverHead (135/95) Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

REST 3 Minutes

8 Min Double Unders Handstand Holds (30Sec Cap) — Substitute for Hand Stand Walks

REST 3 Minutes

8 Min Pull Ups Push Ups



5 thoughts on “Rich Froning Team WOD”

  1. Awesome WOD today! It’s great to see how different teams will end up with close to the same score, even if there are different numbers of people and skills on them!
    I believe my team of myself (obviously), Kim S, and Lys got in the 2600-2700 range, but I forgot to write the actual score down before I left.
    I’ll have room for 2 or 3 (if you like each other) in my car this afternoon for the hockey game!

  2. thanks for the fun team workout today! It was great meeting you guys 🙂 I think Kevin, Windy, and I had around 2735.

  3. 🙁 Sounds like I missed a fun one!! I was up at 4:45am and I got to cook breakfast for like 80 people!
    See you guys tonight for the game!

  4. I have been a late post person lately- will work on that.
    I wanted to post our team WOD score and thank my fellow teammates for the great efforts at the 9:30 class.
    Nicely done Leslie G, Kim C, and Dave P!
    Total: 2708