Saturday FUN!!!

[/caption]   Warm Up and Movement Orientation 2 Minutes – Round 1 (Complete as many reps as possible in order- Total Time = 2 Minutes) 50 Double Unders 20 Power Wall Balls 20 Box Jumps (30/24) 20 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Burpees Rest for 1 Minute 4 Minutes- Round 2 (Complete as many reps as possible in order- Total Time = 4 Minutes) 50 Double Unders 20 Power Wall Balls 20 Box Jumps (30/24) 20 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Burpees 20 KBS (1.5/1) Rest for 1 Minute For Time (Complete all movements until finished) 50 Double Unders 20 Power Wall Balls 20 Box Jumps (30/24) 20 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Burpees 20 KBS (1.5/1) 20 Push Press 50 Feet of Overhead lunges (45/25) This is scored as three separate events. There will be three high scores for the workout. Round 1 – Round 2 – Round 3 -]]>

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