kicking the week off with a bang with a long workout pairing a longer cardio piece with a heavy barbell over multiple rounds. Be sure to challenge yourself with the weight today to get the full intent of the workout!
working into a variation on our bench press strength piece with more of a tricep focus on the bench and follow up piece. Our workout will be an alternating EMOM with set work on one minute with a jump rope and then max reps on toes 2 bar on the opposite minute.
getting back into our front squat strength work to start the day. We will be building to a steady weight for a triple and holding their for five sets for a volume piece. Your workout will be a triplet with lateral step overs, cardio work, and a moderately heavy deadlift.
kicking your Thursday off with the main workout portion first. You will be working through some strict gymnastics, DB work, and squats for a fun AMRAP. We will close out the day with a spicy core triplet before sending you on your way.
finishing the week out on the barbell for some jerk technique work. If you are feeling good, then you can keep building for a greater strength challenge. Our workout will be a fast-paced interval workout with a lightweight barbell, some quick jumps, and then time on the bike to close out each interval. Be ready for a sprint today!
getting our weekend kicked off with a series of 21-15-9 couplets. Each one will involve the wall ball paired with a bodyweight movement that will get more difficult with each new couplet.