S&F Programming Preview : 9/20-9/26

kicking the week off with our deadlift strength work, again progressing heavier than we did last week. Your workout will be an every 4:00 piece with a KB, jump rope, and some running. The faster you go, the more rest you will get to enjoy!

getting started with a barbell again today – working through a complex of shoulder to overhead movements. Your workout will be an interval piece with gymnastics skill work and a weighted dumbbell movement.

more strength work to begin the day, this time back on our pause back squat work with the goal of a heavier weight this week than last week. We will follow this up with a classic benchmark test featuring a triplet of bodyweight movements.

getting into the barbell to start today with some olympic lifting work. Your workout will feature a moderately heavy bar in an ascending ladder paired with cardio in a descending ladder for a spicy combination.

working through strict gymnastics and shoulder stability work to kick the day off today! We will then move into a fun triplet featuring a cardio machine paired with core work.

closing the week of fitness out with a nice partner workout that will incorporate work that you will split up with your partner as well as work that you will sync up on for a true test of partnership! Be prepared to run and jump rope today.