kicking the week off with some accessory work for the upper body with unilateral skills. Our workout piece will be an ascending ladder of higher level gymnastics skills for a fun and playful start to the week.
working on a longer piece today with a partner to share the fun! You will be dividing up the work throughout on a big chipper full of running, squatting, and rowing.
back on our deadlifting cycle, getting heavier again this week but reducing the repetitions. Our workout will be a little interval triplet with rest after each round to keep your intensity high.
playing around with some olympic lifting work on the barbell to start the day off. This will build nicely into our workout piece that will be an alternating EMOM with set work on one minute on a moderately heavy barbell and max reps on a med ball movement on the opposite minute. Today will be all about regulating your pacing and staying calm under high intensity.
working into squat strength again today, trying to get heavier once again on our pause back squats than last week. Our timed piece for the day will be a spicy combination of cardio on a machine and cardio on a jump rope!
closing the week of fitness out some accessory work to begin the day. Our workout will be a kind of pyramid with gymnastics movements, KB work, and running strewn throughout.