Another wonderful Team WOD Today.
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Great morning at the box!
My team of myself, Karen, Doug & Jane finished the round of 20 reps right at the finish thanks to an awesome push by Jane!
I love being able to come to Saturday WODs and work with a team! I also love that I get pushed to the point of almost tears to keep trying some skill that I don’t think I have any strength left to do and then finding some. I further love being “encouraged” by words like “if you want to become one with the bar…you have to PICK IT UP!”
Great teamwork today Lindsey, Jeff, Andy, and Sloan!
Team “Married with Mindy” (Meg and Eric Moose, Erica & Artie Stevens, and Mindy)
had a great time.
Team WODs are always a lot of fun, and our team did a great job of pushing through.
Personally, there was the normal challenge of doing double-unders under pressure, but the thrusters were killer.
Great warm-ups, coaching, and motivation from Coaches Butch and Martin.
Just want to thank my team mates Lindsey, Jeanne, Andy, and Sloan for encouragement today for the team wod, and to coaches, Butch, and Martin, for not letting me slack and for scaling the wod for me, it was a great way to start a Saturday morning