Thank You CFNT Community for all the Support!

The 2012 CrossFit NapTown Regional Team would like to thank everyone for the tremendous amount of support within the CFNT community. Whether you were there in person, screaming through your computer screen, or following tweets every step of the way, let it be known that your support did not go unnoticed.

Peter and I would like to personally thank those teammates who have given up a significant portion of their time to put in the extra hours to reach the goals we have. Some of you may not be aware but these amazing ladies and gentlemen would put in countless hours, 2-3 days a week for the past few months in order to finish where we did. Their dedication and desire can also not go unnoticed!

Thank You Jared “Moises” Cantrell, Anna Rode, Jen Binkley, Elyse Merchant, Martin Cole, and Dana Leenheer

  Today’s Workout Warmup “Baseline” 500 Meter Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit Ups 20 Push Ups 10 Situps Archive Date from Opening Day: October 8th, 2011 (Click above to see previous scores… If you don’t see your score, then either A) You were not a member yet or B) You were too lazy to post your score… KEEP TRACK)   Max Outs Rules: 2 Attempts, Unbroken Sets Double Unders HSPUs 400 Meter Run]]>

30 thoughts on “Thank You CFNT Community for all the Support!”

  1. 4:37 baseline
    7 Double unders (with 2 singles)
    10 HSPU with an abmat for scaling
    400m run in 1:40

  2. Great 6AM crew today!
    Welcome Tess and Trevor-you guys KILLED those HSPU’s!
    Baseline (first time I have ever done this) 6min.
    5 DU’s, with singles in between
    10 HSPU 25+10# Plate and Ab Mat
    1:36 400m Run

  3. 5:44 Baseline; struggled with pull-ups, first time doing unassisted in WOD
    Double Unders – 6
    400m – 1:26
    HSPU – 0; still need to work on kick-up
    Great job, everyone.

    1. Great job today, Nick! Kicking up isn’t and easy thing to do, but once you get it, you’ll be a HSPU machine! Congrats on moving past the banded pull-ups. Certainly a big milestone!

  4. Day 1 Baseline was 10:38 (Blue/green band)
    Today: 6:26 with the same scale. I cut 4 minutes in 3 months!
    DU: 1 – still not getting it.
    HSPU: 6 (off 24″ box) – need to work on kickups until I get over the fear.
    400m Run: 1:43

  5. Baseline: 6:36
    Run: 2:05
    I got my first kickup! It’s about time. I was inspired by all the athletes this weekend and am hoping for 1 milestone per day this week. Dream big.
    P.S., Nikita is a badass baseliner and Margie rocks the double unders.

  6. Baseline: 4:53
    DU: 8 (I need to work on these for the next few months)
    400 m: 1:16
    HSPU as R’xd: 8
    Great Job Kim on the kickup. Josh, as usual, I’m on your heels!

  7. Baseline 6:29
    Knee push ups….i know…I need to graduate to Rx on these…..
    Blue band
    HSPU: 5 (25 and 45 plate with ab mat 🙂
    DU: 14 yes! 14!

  8. Hello friends… Just a friendly reminder that there is some pretty awesome food in the fridge… Just sayin! Check out this weeks menu when you get a chance. Thanks!!

  9. i too, was completely inspired by all the athletes’ performances this weekend!
    Baseline: 4:48 with the red band, which i am told i soon will no longer need (!!!)
    HSPU: 7 with the ab mat
    DUs: 28 the 1st time (new unbroken PR!!!) & 15 the 2nd
    400m run: 1:32/1:38

  10. Baseline = 4:46 Rx ( previous score was 7:03 with green and red bands on pull ups )
    400 M sprint = a blazing 1:39
    HSPU = 9 with 45# plate and ab mat

  11. Baseline: 6:36 (scaled with a green band and pushups from my knees)
    HSPUs: Massive fail. Worked on kickups instead.
    DUs: 1. FINALLY!
    400 m run: 1:46 and 1:44

  12. Baseline 4:47 I think? I hate it when I forgot my time on the drive home!
    400 meter run 1:28
    HSPU 5 with an ab mat and a 45# Plate
    5 DU (they’re slowly getting better)

  13. So happy!!! In less than two months i took off 1:39 off my baseline! 5:39
    400m – 1:51
    Hspu – 8
    Du – 2!!! In a row!!

  14. Baseline- 5:30 first day at CFNT baseline was 8:40 range
    400M- 1:33
    HSPU- 4 with abmat
    DU’s- 6 with some singles

  15. My baseline when I started two months ago was 10 minutes, today 7:20!!
    Still nothing worth reporting on the HSPU’s or DU’s.
    400m – 1:48 then 1:47

  16. Baseline – 4:54
    400 M – 1:15 (Roncalli track w/kids track practice)
    HSPU – 8 (25 lb & towel)
    DU – 8

  17. Baseline – 4:49
    400m- 1:28
    HSPU- 3 w an Ab mat
    DU’s- 23
    All in all…….. I’ll take it!!

  18. WOD_5:48 -This was my first baseline so I don’t have anything to test my improvements.
    DU_25 (I tried to opt out today to avoid arm whipping and such, but didn’t have any trouble. yay!)
    400M Run_1:34
    HSPU_5 (with 25#plate and ab mat)
    Congrats to everyone on their new PRs today!

  19. Baseline 4:40 (down from 5:56 when I first started!)
    D/Us: 11 (winded.)
    HSPU: 6 (45+ Ab Mat); 1 (Ab Mat + first Kip!)
    400m: 1:29
    So proud of 7 p.m.–we all did AMAZING today. GREAT WORK!

  20. 4:36 RX, still sticking to technique oriented WOD work. Not worried about time, but want to do it correctly.
    D/U’s did 34 and 33, not a good day on those, did 7 HSPU RX and ran a 1:02 400m.
    I feel so much stronger from the few months I have spent on technique that the 400m run felt extremely strong even though I haven’t worked on any running at all.

  21. Baseline: 6:19 (or about there?)with ab mat and knee push-ups (and an extra 10 air squats because I can’t count; pull-ups with green/red band – Finally, FINALLY broke up with the blue band! Hopefully soon it will just be the green band! The double buddy band is getting really annoying.
    Double Unders – 11
    400m – 1:40
    HSPU – 1 (with 45# and abmat); my first time on the wall! I have never done them not on a box before! Thanks to Jared for standing by to make sure I did not break my neck which I was certain I would do.
    Great job, everyone!!!

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