If you don’t follow us on Facebook (which you SHOULD!!) we wanted to make sure that all members, friends, and family of CrossFit NapTown realize how much Coach Peter and I appreciate your support.

And for that we have paid up to our debt. Although we didn’t reach the Goal number of Facebook “Likes” by the agreed upon deadline, Peter and I couldn’t be more excited about the effort that many of our members put forth in getting us there. And again.. we THANK YOU.

This community wouldn’t be growing without the support of YOU!!!

517 Burpee Pull Ups   Squat Clean & Jerk 6×2 @ 85% or less WOD 5 Rounds 10 Power Cleans (135/95) 10 Burpees POST – TRIPOD Holds 5×20 Seconds We are now at 527 “Likes” at the publish of this article so lets keep spreading the word… The more people who know about us the better the community!!! Congrats to all of CFNT for being AWESOME!]]>

16 thoughts on “THANK YOU”

  1. Really worked on technique and cleaned up my deadlift/hang clean to a squat clean…better late than never, right Jared?
    WOD was short and sweet, RX’d at 6:41.

      1. Haha thanks! We both bought each other shoes for the gym. We waited like 2 months but figured it was time.

  2. WoD: 8:30 (63 lb.) Need to remind myself to slow down and get it right rather speeding up and getting sloppy. Loved that Jared C led us in a post-WOD cheer.

  3. Intro Skill_ Squat C+J @ 83#
    WOD_7:20 (73#)
    Thanks to Shannon for the fantastic yoga session tonight!
    For those CFNT members that are intimidated by yoga and missed out tonight- I highly recommend the instruction from Shannon! Similar to CF all things can be scaled to fit the individual’s abilities.
    Congrats to Peter and Jared with their record breaking number of participants today! And fantastic job on the burpee pullups too.

  4. WOD time 10:47 @ 73#. The jumping wore me out quickly! Yikes, that was a hard one for me!:)
    Yoga with Shannon was awesome per usual. If you haven’t done it yet, you don’t know what you’re missing!

  5. Great job by everyone today. Smiles all around.
    Excellent coaching by Moises and Martin C. throughout the classes.
    Keep up the great work.
    WOD right before yoga face to face with Moises (Time: 5:09 Rx’ed)
    My Time: 5:18 Rx’ed
    Always love the one on one battle. Makes it fun and pushes the mind farther than you know it can go.
    YOGA afterwards was awesome, although focusing on my breathing was certainly a challenge 3 minutes after blowing through the WOD. Great Job Shannon!

  6. Sorry I have taken so long to post buttttt…. yoga with Shannon was absolutely wonderful, thanks so much! I really liked it even though it kicked my butt more than a wod and truly exposed some issues I have *cough cough* shoulders *cough*

  7. Pingback: 2000 Likes Milestone: You Decide What Peter and Jared Do? | CrossFit Naptown