Trip to the Region for our Best Present Yet…

Can you tell what this is???

WOD 10 Min AMRAP 3 Front Squats 135/95 6 Ring Pull Ups 9 Burpees   HUGE THANK YOU TO ADAM SCOTT VIDIMOS!!! Unbelievable job!]]>

9 thoughts on “Trip to the Region for our Best Present Yet…”

  1. I wondered what kind of pull-up set up you were going to go with. Looks good gents time to break that mother in.

  2. 3 Rounds and 1 pull ups….the rings killed me…I had to break them up in sets, and my shoulders are feeling pretty bad from the day before…everything else was fine, I just struggled with the rings, and I think yesterday had something to do with it

  3. Liked the workout so I rocked it out as my second hit of the day I was able to get 7 rounds+3FS,6pups,7burpees. Should have gotten 8 rounds in but mentally fell short no good excuse. Liking the programing gents time for some heavier loads with all the equipment.

    1. Thanks for the programming compliment Seth. Haven’t gone heavy yet because we are still waiting on the rubber flooring. Don’t want to drop heavy (brand new) weights on straight concrete quite yet. You’ll see some heavy in the upcoming weeks as we work in the new members. But continue to kill our WODs. Love the competition from afar just like the old days.

  4. 8 rounds with 1 FS
    subbed chest-to-bar for ring pull ups; front squats done cleaning the bar from floor; done in the sweltering jungle heat of Costa Rica.

    1. Sick Score Jared C. Look forward to getting you in here shortly to go at some of these WODs together.

  5. Rings weren’t setup up as Peter was working on the hanging structure from the beam so I substituted Chest to Bars just like Jared C. Ironically got the same score as Seth without even looking at his score prior.
    Solid WOD… just tried to keep moving. Agree with Seth on the mental let down towards the end. Should have easily finished the 7th round and been in to the 8th Round
    7 Rounds + 7 Burpees.

  6. I have to agree with the programming. Though I’ve only done two WODs so far, I’m a religious mainsite nut and my biggest fear moving to the States and working out at a box is having to deal with their programming. So far so good, and I will certainly be looking forward to gettin my hands on some of that heavy weight.

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