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Worked up to 185# on Front Squats. Felt solid and could have done more given more reps.
WOD: 8:31 as RX’ed
Backward Jump rope: Up to 8 in a row. Apparently, I need to work on this!
Coach Jared and Brandon C had their holiday cheer in full effect, but can anyone beat out Jarrett from last week?
I did a modified version of today’s WOD. 21-15-9 Overhead Squat and Dead lifts at 135 and 225. Pretty great challenge, really fired up my lower back. My time was 9:30. I’m pretty excited to be sub 10, if I ever try this again my goal is sub 8:30.
FS – worked up to 135 but returned to 115 with final 2 sets to focus on technique.
WOD – 10:11 at 75lbs
Front Squats: 145#
WOD: 8:42…as Rx’d! (65#)
Front Squats: 33-75lbs
Jeremy WOD: 7:42