Hello NapTown community! We are always looking to feature great stories or articles on the blog. If you have a great story about how CrossFit has changed your life or about anything fun please feel free to email it to coach Jared or Coach Peter. Or if you ever read something that you feel is worthy to share with the community please pass it along.
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made up yesterdays workout
BS – 100 – 115 – 135 (13 reps)
7rds + 7 HR push ups
46 calories
45# – 3rm push up
Great fundamentals class tonight!
Crossfit Hell’s Kitchen
Skill: Snatch Balance – 45#-65#-75#
WOD: 20min AMRAP
5 Chest to Bar
5 Ring Dips
15 Air Squats
Rounds: 7+10 air squats (scaled green banded pull ups, blue banded ring dips)