21 thoughts on “What a weekend! Now lets get back to work.”

  1. Front squat:
    8@45, 5@75, 5@95, 5@115, 5@135, 5@155, 5@155
    Annie – 14:10
    D/U’s scaled by 1/2 to 25,20,15,10,5
    sit-ups not scaled.
    shaved almost 3 mins off last time (back when i was even worse at d/u’s)

  2. Had to do this away from the gym…I was in a Double unders zone today. PR’d Annie by roughly 40 seconds from a month ago from 7:14 to 6:28. Really pleased by this.
    I did back squats at 5 sets by 3 reps: 315, 325, 330, 335, 340 (PR).
    Had a great day after my day off yesterday.

  3. Front squats up to #93
    WOD: 16:48 (as Rx’d)
    As RX’d!! I was so thrilled to do the workout as Rx’d, even if it meant taking a really long time. Thanks, Jared, for not making me scale it and finish it out. I was so satisfied to finish this workout, even if it seemed for a little while like it was never going to end.
    Also, thanks to Shannon and Martin for pushing me through the front squats. They both gave great feedback and helped me remember to stay in my heels and keep my elbows up.

  4. Front Squat 185#
    WOD 11:31 with RX sit ups and heavily scaled jump rope.
    Actually, my double unders were about as scaled as you can go, just terrible. Enormously frustrating.

  5. Front squat: 65
    Annie: I don’t have double unders yet so I scaled to double the number and did singles (100/80/60/40/20) and kept the situps the same. Came in at 12:52.

  6. Front Squat 5x (95#); felt some pain in my shoulder from holding my elbows up, so I probably held myself back on weight.
    WOD_ “Annie” 12:13; I have the arms scars to prove my inability to complete double unders- but I didn’t scale because practice is what I need most. One day I will get this one!
    *Imran- together we will conquer the double under- one day at a time 🙂

  7. Front Squat 95,115,125,135,145
    WOD 14:04 DU scaled to 10 per round
    DU’s got easier as the workout went along, shows I need to keep practicing

  8. front squat- #78
    annie- 14:11
    DUs scaled to 10 good ones each round. managed to get 5 in a row on the last set!

  9. Front squat: I worked up to 98#. I have to build up my strength and work on keeping my elbows high when I get to the lowest point in the squat.
    Annie: 10:10 Rxed. My consecutive DUs weren’t at my strongest today. It wasn’t until the last few sets that I was able to get more than 5 consecutively. I did the last set of 10 completely unbroken. Coach Jared has photo documented proof that I just kept hitting myself with the rope. My arms still have marks on them today.

  10. Front Squat: 155, 175, 195, 215, 225
    Annie Rx’d: 11:36 (Can’t do consecutive double unders yet and I think I need a shorter rope)

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