What are you doing for fun?

Today’s Workout Strength Front Squat 5-5-5+ 63%-73%-83% (1rm squat clean) 5-4-3-2-1** Muscle ups**(sub C-T-B pull ups+hallow rocks) 25-20-15-10-5 KB Swings 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders (sub 3 singles for every 1 double under) So you will do 5 muscle ups, 25KB swings, 50 Double Unders, then 4 muscle ups, 20 KB Swings…   Post GHD if time allows 20 for newbies 30 for intermediate 50 for advanced]]>

12 thoughts on “What are you doing for fun?”

  1. That was a fun workout!
    1/2 DU’s, but did a workout with DU’s! And so did JOSH!
    18minutes and some seconds to complete.
    Erica-whenever I am back in Indy, you are my Board Sister!

  2. Crossfit Virtuosity
    Deadlift: 10+10+10+10+10
    135# -155# – 175#
    400m x 4 (2min rest between)
    1:46, 1:41, 1:43, 1:44

  3. Got up to 165 on the front squats.
    WOD- modified muscle ups and did them from my knees using lowered rings… Difficult but worth it
    18:?? It was great to be there @ 6am!!! We will miss you Liz 🙂

  4. FS: 75, 85, 105 – 105 was my 1RM for squat cleans, but the front squats didn’t feel that heavy, which confirms something I was already painfully aware of – squat cleans need work. Squat cleans are now on my special list with ring dips and the dead hang.
    WOD: pullups (gray/white band), KB (1 pood), double unders (RX’d) – 16:5?
    VERY happy today to move up to the gray band, even if only for a few pullups!

  5. Sad to be missing my first workout tonight…headed to Attica for the Tough Mudder! Wish me luck!

    1. Becca, you will do great! Just remember you CrossFit now, so it has to be easy for you…..

  6. 12:58
    1.25 KB Blue
    Subbed muscle ups with chest to bar and hollow rocks
    Subbed single unders

  7. will be in sunday to make this one up, very disappointed i couldn’t make it in today

  8. FS up to #105 (5 reps)
    WOD 13:48
    subbed muscle ups for box ring dips & hollow rocks (got at least one strict dip per round!). also, i still hate double unders…need to commit to practicing then every single day.