“Few people have the imagination for reality”- Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Theme: Maya
Maya is the veil or illusion of false reality. Maya specifically refers to the illusion we experience through our senses. We assume that what we see, touch, smell, hear and taste are reality when reality, from the yogic lens, is far beyond the distracting world of the senses.
Flow Pose: Scorpion
this week’s pose is a challenging inversion – this week will be all about finding a difficulty level that is right for you to work towards this posture, an excellent practice in enjoying the process rather than worrying about reaching the final destination right away.
Restorative/Yin Pose: Janusirsasana
getting into a nice posterior stretch for our restoratvie/yin posture this week. Use props to find an expression of this posture that you can relax and soften into this week.