Save the date for a four-week nutrition challenge that kicks off January 2, 2023. Develop a healthier routine by progressively re-setting your habits each week. We’ll provide the tools with weekly recipe packs, lunch and learns and tips/tricks. Each week you’ll be responsible for completing a bingo card for chances to win prizes as you work towards your goals! SIGN UP HERE

This 4-week nutrition and healthy habit challenge will help you learn to include eating more servings of fruits/veggies at meals, how to utilize the plate method, limiting alcohol/soda usage, increasing water intake, limiting processed foods, increasing whole grain products, journaling, utilizing yoga/meditation and increasing exercise/step counts. In addition to a weekly recipe pack and lunch and learns, you will receive InBody scans and have the option for one-on-one personalized meetings with a coach. Each time you get a bingo on your card you will be entered into a drawing for prizes. With consistent effort, by the end of the 4-weeks you should have built up some healthy, sustainable habits! SIGN UP HERE


Dates: Monday, January 2 – Sunday, January 29, 2023

Who: All are welcome

Investment: $30/members, $45/non-members

** Option to add-on two 1:1, 30-minute coach goal setting sessions: +$50/person


Questions? Reach out to info@myriadfit.com for more information.

Please read through our cancellation policy prior to booking. Thank you!