“A tree with strong roots, laughs at storms.” -Malay Proverb
Weekly Focus: Muladhara Chakra (the root chakra)
Yoga in many ways is a practice of self reflection. Self reflection however is no easy task. It requires a vulnerability with ourselves and a willingness to acknowledge traits we may not feel good about. Feeling safe and comfortable in our mind and bodies is important as we prepare to look deeper within ourselves. Every strong house must have a strong foundation. Muladhara chakra is the foundation of who we are and how we feel safe in our bodies and our self reflection.
Muladhara is the first of seven Chakras. This chakra sits at the base of our spine and is related to our since of safety, security, comfort, and stability. It affects how we connect with the world around us, and when this foundational chakra is imbalanced, it affects every chakra above it. The base level or foundation must first be grounded and well. When Muladhara is balanced we feel strong, energized, and ready to take on whatever is next. It brings us a sense of calm, belonging and a grounded energy.
This week we connect with Muladhara Chakra to feel at home with ourselves and to build a foundation for healing. This foundation serves as a reminder of self love and support. As we self reflect, we may begin to ask ourselves questions that bring about discomfort or dis-ease. Muladhara reminds us that it is OK. We still love and support ourselves no matter what we uncover. We create a safe space to ask internal questions, free of judgement, guilt, and shame
Here is a simple practice to connect with Muladhara Chakra:
- Get outside — simply going outside is a wonderful way to feel grounded and connected to the Earth, the element of Muladhara Chakra. If you are able, get outside and walk barefoot on natural ground.
- Play in the dirt — getting your hands messy is a fun and playful way to get connected to Muladhara. Try gardening or tending to potted plants. Use your bare hands to feel the earth move through your fingers. Not a gardener? Simply try placing your hands on a tree or touching and feeling plants around you.
- Root yourself — give yourself [2] minutes during the day to get rooted. Stand, barefoot if possible, and bring awareness to your feet. Focus on tracing the edges of your feet and feeling the soles press into the floor. Imagine growing roots from your feet deep down into the earth. Breathe slowly and deeply. This practice is excellent when you are feeling flighty or anxious to help steady the mind.
Passive Pose of the Week: Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)
Vajrasana is a posture of stability. This pose connects us to Muladhara Chakra both mentally and physically. In a physical sense, we can tangibly root into the base of our spine and feel the stabilizing effects of the pose. Mentally and emotionally, this pose is grounded, close to the earth, and contained — a stable and supportive position to breathe and reflect.
- Come to a kneeling position.
- Sit your seat back to your heels.
- Allow the spine to lift tall and the hands to rest comfortable in your lap.
- Breathe and hold the pose for 5 – 7 breaths.
Vajrasana may not be comfortable for your knees or ankles. If you experience this, invite props into the posture so that you can comfortably sit in stillness. Using a yoga block, or even two, place the block horizontally between your ankles making a seat for yourself. Rather than sitting back on your heels, sit onto the block(s). No blocks? No worries! At home, you can also stack thick books or fold a thick bath towel as a support. This will reduce the angle of the legs and release pulling or tension on the knees and thighs.
If your ankles feel tight, try rolling up a blanket and placing the feet on top of the blanket before you kneel. Allow the roll of the blanket to tuck beneath the curve where ankle meets foot. Play around with a comfortable height in the roll. This will reduce the extension in the ankle, soften pressure on the feet, and pad the small bones in this area of the foot.
Active Pose of the Week: Tadasana (mountain pose)
Tadasana is the perfect pose to get grounded. Standing barefoot and feeling your feet on the floor helps you find a since of connection to the earth, the element associated with Muladhara. Tadasana is often a pass-through pose, but what happens when you spend time focusing on the strength of the body and especially the feet in Tadasana? This focus brings awareness to Muladhara and creates a sense of steadiness in the mind.
- Come to stand.
- Play with the position of your feet.
- Begin by finding and approximate hips-width distance: Take your two fists and line them up between the arches of your feet. Now consider, would you feel more stable with the feet slightly wider or closer together? Adjust as needed.
- Roll the shoulders up to your ears and let them soften down the back, allowing the palms to face forward.
- You may even close your eyes as you breathe for 7 – 10 breaths, focusing on the feeling in your feet.
Tadasana is an excellent space to reset during your yoga practice. When we come to this posture, it is similar to coming to attention. By bringing awareness to the body and the posture, we signal to the brain that it is time to get focused. If you ever notice yourself losing the breath through your yoga practice, feeling frustrated with balance, or distracted by wandering thoughts, come to tadasana and reset. Take a couple of breaths and remind yourself it is time to start fresh.
Join us in class this week to connect with Muladhara Chakra. See the full schedule HERE.