CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 10/16/17-10/22/17

TH marketplace and enter the code CFNapTown to join our team. Monday: strength day one for the week working on back squats. You will start the day out with a jump rope pacing piece, move into the back squat strength, and finish out with a quick body weight and jump rope met con. Tuesday: today will begin with a rotating EMOM full of posterior chain and core strengthening. From there we will move into a hero one of the shorter hero workouts in CrossFit. This workout will test your grip strength, barbell cycling skills, and mental toughness to keep the hands on the barbell on a very light weight. Wednesday: strength day two of the week. We will be working the same format as Monday with deadlifts today with a focus on form above all else. You will finish out each strength day this week with a max rep set but it has to be max reps with beautiful form first. Your workout today will be a spicy gymnastics couplet with everyone’s favorite 21/15/9 rep scheme. Thursday: another longer workout for our Thursday this week. This time with a heavy barbell thrown into the mix. We will take some time in the start of the day drilling the jerk before moving into the practice time in the workout. Friday: day three of strength work and closing out the week with the strict press. You will finish out with another couplet, this time mixing a moderate barbell and a cardio piece. If you like quick workouts that leave the body full of lactic acid, this is your day. Saturday: ending our week out with a longer chipper, mixing plyometric pieces with the kettle bell and gymnastics movements. Have a fun and fit week!]]>