CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 10/9/17-10/15/17

Monday: Starting the week off right with max weight on a front squat and back squat. Come in with a strong mindset, ready to tackle this test today! You will finish the day off with a quick and dirty met con! Tuesday: we will be starting out with skill work focusing on improving our pulling power before taking on a named workout. Today will be super dependent on your skill level and you will need to check your ego at the door when you come in for class. Wednesday: another strength test today, this time on the deadlift. After lifting heavy, we are going to work on picking the pace up with a plyometric and sprint based workout. Thursday: after a lot of shorter workouts this week and strength focused pieces, you will be taking on a longer workout today. You will be working on the bike with gymnastics and core work sprinkled in to make up this lengthy workout. Friday: finishing out our testing today with a strict press and push press test. After that strength test, you will close the day out with a body weight sprint workout. Saturday: Closing the week out with a retest of an Open workout! The 2018 Open will be here before we know it and it is never too soon to start finding that extra level of push we need to crush the Open. Have a fun and fit week!]]>