Monday: beginning our day with movement prep before getting into Olympic Weighlifting practice! After a few weeks of breaking the lifts down, we are giving you the opportunity to get heavy today. You will finish the day out with a quick bodyweight workout for open preparation and a little sweat! Tuesday: starting off with an alternating EMOM skill piece that will test your balance and get you upside down. Closing out the day with a challenging hero workout featuring some classic movements that we will surely see in the Open. Wednesday: another skill piece to start off your Wednesday getting at your core and shoulder stability. Ending the day with interval work featuring everyone’s favorite, the dumbbell. Thursday: Getting more strength work in to start off your Thursday. This will be a similar format to recent weeks but with higher reps, focusing on speed and barbell cycling. Your workout for the day will be a fast, classic CrossFit couplet of box jumps and swings. Friday: closing out the final week of Row’d Royalty! Saturday: No Classes. Sign up for the NapTown Smack Down!]]>
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