Monday: Starting the week off with strength maintenance with an alternating emom of squats and presses. The goal here is not to get incredibly heavy but to work on maintaining the strength we gained at the end of 2017 as we move into the Open. We will finish the day out with conditioning intervals incorporating dumbbells and double unders. Tuesday: our first piece of the day will be a capacity builder in pressing strength. You will be working with body weight movements and a PVC pipe in a combination that may look harmless at first glance but is sure to leave you with a pump. We will finish out the afternoon with a conditioning test! Wednesday: beginning the day with a skill session focused on improving the kip for movements like pull ups, toes 2 bar, and bar muscle ups. That will lead us right into the workout of the day, a throwback to a 2017 Open workout with toes 2 bar and bar muscle ups for a chance to practice what we learned in the skill piece. Thursday: we are playing with more fun skills today, bring your long pants and high socks for rope climbs! After our skill session, we will move into a classic CrossFit couplet for some good old fashioned Open prep. FUN FACT: part of your workout will include the only movement that has been featured twice in the same year of the open. Friday: Row’d Royalty week 1 for real this time! Come in ready to row your hearts out. Saturday: playing with kettle bells for shoulder mobility and stability to start our weekend off right. From there, we will move into a benchmark workout that will be a great test of your gymnastics skills. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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