Monday: beginning our day with a skill emom before getting into light strength work. The goal will be speed with light percentages. We will close the day out with a classic girl benchmark wod! Tuesday: getting into the agility ladder to start to lead us nicely into a sprint workout. The workout will be quick sprint efforts with longer rests to keep you intensity high. Wednesday: Lots of mobility and shoulder activation to start the day before getting into overhead squat work for strength. We will close the day out with light barbell work and some cardio in an interval fashion. Thursday: Having a little bro session for the strength piece today. You will close out our workout with a heavy barbell piece with a classic NapTown complex! Friday: Getting a little gymnasty for the start of our session today. Finishing out with a newly made up NapTown benchmark near and dear to my heart. Come ready to run! Saturday: more gymnastics work to start out our Saturday but mixed with a little more strength work, wear long pants or bring socks! Finishing out the weekend with a date with a KB!]]>
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