our website and get yourself enrolled. This is the perfect opportunity to reset your nutrition after a long summer and before the holiday season is in full swing. You will be guided every step of the way with what to buy, make, and eat for food for one month! Let NapTown Nutrition and the entire NapTown community guide your nutrition for one month and see where it takes you. Monday: starting the week off with Olympic Lifting technique work. You will be spending most of the day focusing on your lifting form and finishing off with a quick sprint workout to get the heart rate up before you head out the door! Tuesday: after a quick sprint workout on Monday, you will be taking on a lengthy cardio workout today. You will be working back and forth between rowing and squats in a high rep couplet. Wednesday: your Wednesday will be spent with a kettle bell. You will warm up with your bell before moving into an accessory piece focusing on the core and posterior chain. The last piece of the day will be an AMRAP using your bell along with some burpees to tie you a break from the bell. Thursday: we are sticking with the theme of improving our handstand with the skill work today in the form of an alternating EMOM. Part of the work will be focused on strengthening our core will the opposite portion of the EMOM will be spent upside down. You will finish out with a fabulous interval piece with cardio and gymnastics work. The goal is for your intervals to take 3 to 5 minutes and then get a longer rest before hitting the interval twice more. Friday: Friday will begin with squat accessory work. You will be box squatting today to work on engaging the posterior chain and getting the hips to reach back in your squat. The workout today will be a classic couplet giving you a chance to practice your squat paired with a gymnastics piece. Saturday: finishing your week off with a partner workout combining weightlifting and running. Grab your friend and get ready to tackle this fun workout! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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