Pike 13 account with an August 6th cutoff to reserve yourself a seat. If you have friends and family who would like to join the fun, send eric@crossfitnaptown.com an email letting him know how many tickets you will need. Monday: getting started this week with moderate weight Deadlifts for a strength piece. You will finish the day out with a triplet using a moderate barbell and explosive body weight movements Tuesday: handstands will be the focus of the first portion of our class today. The goal is to find a scale that will challenge you at your current skill level. You will finish off the day with a true test of mental fortitude and strength endurance. Wednesday: gymnastics and skill work will start us off again on hump day, bring your own jump rope for today if you have one! We will finish the day out with interval work with quick bursts of effort and longer rest times. Thursday: back to strength work today with 10:00 to establish a max for the day in a power clean and jerk. You will move from there to a lighter barbell mixed in with a cardio piece for another interval piece for the day. Friday: after a few weeks of hard rowing under our belts, it is time to test ourselves on the erg with a time trial. We will finish the day out with an EMOM piece to continue the conditioning work to finish out the week. Saturday: working with a partner today on a 20:00 AMRAP involving carries, weightlifting, and gymnastics. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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