Monday: starting out the day with strength work on the clean and jerk with a complex. Your goal will be to build as heavy as possible with perfect form. You will finish the day out with a benchmark lady workout. Tuesday: continuing to work on our handstand endurance with the first piece of the day. You will finish out with an AMRAP working with a set of dumbbells and yourself! Wednesday: you will be working with a partner today on one of the team series workouts. You will work with a partner chipping away at 100 calories on the rower and 100 toes 2 bar. The first portion of the day will focus on skill work to improve your toes 2 bar. Thursday: working on the pull up dip program to begin the day. Challenge yourself with the best pull ups you can possibly manage, that means pulling as high as possible with every rep rather than just getting your chin over the bar. You’ll finish out with an interval piece working on body weight, cardio movements to keep you working hard. Friday: Workout 3 of the Fall Full Body Challenge. Be sure to check out the videos on Facebook later this week for full standards on the workout if you are participating in the challenge. This will be the workout of the day at all SWIFT and CrossFit classes on Friday. Saturday: closing the week out with a core and shoulder stability warm up before moving into a solo chipper. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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