Results For Category: "Blog"

07.29 – 08.04: Guru — learning from our environment

“Listen to the voice of nature, for it holds treasures for you.”  — Native American (Huron) Proverb Weekly Focus: Guru / “weighty one;” teacher Guru…

Coach Jared and Marta chat about how to get started with Myriad CrossFit and what the Foundations program is.

How To Get Started With Myriad CrossFit – FOUNDATIONS

Coach Jared and Marta chat about how to get started with Myriad CrossFit and what the Foundations program is.

be a vira or hero in warrior two

07.22 – 07.28: VIRA — embrace the hero you are!

“The simple act of caring is heroic.” –Edward Albert Weekly Focus: Vira / brave person, hero Vira is derived from the root word “vir” meaning…

Coach Richie and Coach Jared share updates on the current Level Method programming.

The Level Method – Current Updates

Coach Richie and Coach Jared share current updates on the Level Method programming.

throwing heavy weights with the clean


July CrossFit Deep Dive: Weightlifting: The Clean CrossFit Deep Dive returns to Myriad on Wednesday, July 24th. What’s in every awesome WOD? That’s right, the…

sahasrara activated by sirsasana

07.15 – 07.21: SAHASRARA — seeking unity

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” –Maya Angelou Weekly Focus: Sahasrara — the crown chakra Sahasrara is the Sanskrit name for the chakra…

07.18: The Buck Moon — prospering + nurturing abundance!

July Full Moon Reflections + Yoga Join Stephanie for our monthly Full Moon Reflections + Yoga class on Thursday, July 18th! This special monthly yoga…

Myriad staff members, Robin Briskey and Marta Gruber talk about an upcoming Myriad Yoga workshop called Find Your Flow.

Find Your Flow – Myriad Yoga Workshop

Myriad staff members, Robin Briskey and Marta Gruber talk about an upcoming Myriad Yoga workshop called Find Your Flow.

Ganesh Sharma practices ahimsa and kindness in a revolved low lunge at Myriad Yoga

07.08 – 07.14: AHIMSA — be kind to yourself

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm.” — African Proverb Weekly Focus: Ahimsa — non-harming, the first yama…

Coach Jared and Coach Anna talk about the deets of the Level Method and what that means for Myriad CrossFit.

The Deets – The Level Method

Coach Jared and Coach Anna talk about the deets of the Level Method and what that means for Myriad CrossFit